How to Tell If She Wants to Get Married with You
We can never own time. It has its own pace, waiting for no one. It never slows down for the older generation, nor can it wait for love to make up its mind.
Being part of the world of online dating is like skating on thin ice. One wrong move of choosing the wrong person can tear you to pieces.
So much has changed in how people see what’s normal in dating that sometimes, it becomes questionable.
It becomes even harder for you, whose only goal in dating is to get married.
The real challenge lies in spotting the signs of a partner with marriage in mind. Not only is it hard, but it can also be misleading. There’s nothing worse than knowing you have to deal with the pain of marrying the wrong person.
When you fall in love with someone, you get caught in a whirlwind of emotions and the spell of attraction.
It makes you become blind to things you have to see. In effect, you may end up justifying yourself for a partner who’s dating with no intent to marry.
To find out if your girlfriend wants to get married, below are some signs to look out for:
She communicates well.
A person’s character is reflected in their manner of communication.
True enough, you can tell if she’s genuine when she uses the right words when communicating, especially when it’s with you. If she has healthy communication skills, then using the “I” language with you won’t be a problem.
At the same time, she’s a good listener. It comes naturally. For someone who communicates well, she’ll also be able to lend you her ears when you need them most.
Make no mistake in choosing a woman you want to get married to someday by taking into careful consideration the way she communicates. Remember that good communication skills are one of the keys to a successful relationship.
She can stand on her own.
Dependence has no place in marriage. If you’re dating someone whose world revolves around you, walk away.
Couples in relationships are supposed to complete each other. You don’t stay in a relationship because of the mere fact that you can’t get by without your partner. It doesn’t work that way and never will.
A woman ready for marriage will be able to do things on her own, while at the same time love being with you. It doesn’t have to be you and her all the time. Sometimes, it has to be the other way around.
She has a heart of gold.
Kindness radiates positivity, and positivity radiates happiness. The more you’re surrounded by good people, the happier you become. The same goes for love and marriage.
Coming home to a partner who has all the positive traits you could ever ask for is an underappreciated blessing. Most of us may neglect the opportunity of meeting a good person and will rather focus on other superficial and temporary things.
But you see, paying attention to the small details helps you.
Look closely.
How is she around older people? Does she give respect to public workers and minimum wage earners? Is she gentle to animals?
A successful relationship won’t be so without a partner who’s kind enough to give you the world. If she treats everyone around her well, there’s no doubt she will treat you and your relationship all the same.
She’s emotionally ready for you.
You being together doesn’t necessarily guarantee her emotional availability because love and infatuation can sometimes cloud your judgment, and you may, at some point, fail to realize that there’s a lot more connecting to do.
If she’s ready for marriage, she will let you see all of her. She won’t keep you in the dark about the things you need to know, whether it be big or small.
Keep in mind that you shouldn’t have to grasp at straws trying to get to know her better. The right woman will never let you be in such a situation.
She’s emotionally capable and mature.
Being in a relationship with someone who’s emotionally incapable and immature is like taking care of a kindergarten student on the first day of school. There’s more work needed.
Before you talk about marriage with her, assess her emotional being. If she can control her emotions well and can be reasonable even in upsetting situations, take her to the aisle and say those vows to her.
Agreeing with you won’t be hard, and she won’t hesitate in meeting you halfway. If she has good character and communication skills, it’s more likely she’s emotionally mature.
She includes you in many things.
Your wedding planning isn’t the only thing you have to be involved with.
Someone who means so much to you will always be part of the significant things happening in your life. Decision-making won’t be complete without your partner, and your choices are influenced by your significant other in some way.
Asking you will be the first thing she does when dealing with things that matter. That being said, these are all signs of a good woman to marry.
She’s always there.
You can always count on her whenever you’re in a rough patch. She’s your source of strength and outlet for emotional stability. When all else leaves you behind, it’s her who will be there.
A woman who holds your hand even at the first sign of trouble will surely be the most fitting one you should put a ring on. The same woman who’s always got your back, and the same woman you should spend the rest of your life with.
Making Her Your Wife
For some, it can be hard to name all the right reasons to get married. Some live on the false idea that marriage will only make things complicated and increase the chances of a breakup.
Love alone isn’t sufficient for having a good marriage. There has to be trust, loyalty, compassion, empathy, consistency, and even kindness.
You see, marriage changes your life.
It gets more worthwhile if you do it with the right person.
It’s not a decision you make every day. Your whole life depends on it, and there’s no turning back once you settle down.
You’ll know when your girlfriend wants to get married. If not by mind, you’ll know it by heart.